IE عند تصفح بنك مصر باستخدام Microsoft Edge أحدث تقنيات الواجهة الأمامية لذلك سيحصل المستخدمون على إخلاء مسؤوليه للتبديل الى Internet Explorer لا يدعم

Activate the Soft Token from mobile banking

  1. Customer to enter his card number (Debit or Credit).
  2. Customer to enter the expiry date and the pin code used for withdrawal from ATM’s.
  3. BM customer will receive an SMS OTP and will be auto populated.
  4. BM customer will be directed to Soft Token app to complete the activation process.
  5. Customer to create the Soft Token application pin code.
  6. Soft Token application will display the activation code to be copied by the customer and paste it in the mobile banking application as a final step of the activation process.
  7. Then a successful activation screen will be displayed to the customer.

    Tutorial Video

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